This application takes vb code and copies it into an rc file that can be made into a res file. A text file of all code in the project is also created. The Identifier of 10 is used for the total number of strings in the res file. The first string is at Identifier 20 and increments at multiples of 10. The application also has the ability to take a text file and copy it to a res file but only by command line. Problems Noticed: The rc compiler will treat the \ as a c compiler operand. Meaning a \r represents a carriage return and a \n represents a line feed. When brought back into the project they will have slight defects in displaying because of this. **** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT CREATE THE ACTUAL RES **** **** FILE BUT THE RC TO MAKE IT **** About use: Optimize As modify how large the string can be when creating the rc file. If the error "error rc2102 string literal too long" is encountered while creating the res file reduce this number. If you are at the lowest setting your code is not readable. Code lines should be visible in their entirety without having to scroll. Files Found Informs user of the files found in the project. This includes *.bas;*.frm;*.cls;*.ctl;*.pag "When the only thing you can find is the executable the code will not be lost!!!" - The Cat.